On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 07:56:29PM -0800, aphro wrote
> On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Oki DZ wrote:
> litban >I have some strange files. Do they have to exist in /usr/bin?
> uhoh!!
> litban >-rwxr-xr-x   2 root     root        20720 Dec 24  1998 [
> dont know what that is ..but i have it too, i cant get dpkg to identify it
> ..

This is a conventional alias for 'test'.  As in,
 $ if [ -e /usr/bin/[ ] ; \
     then echo [ is present in /usr/bin; \
   else \
     echo  [ is missing  - your system is a little hosed, dude. ;\


> never know..binaries can always be replaced ....once when i got cracked
> the guy stuck a password sniffer in /dev (forgot the name of the
> sniffer) and it was logging all the POP3 passwords..
> litban >Or am I just being paranoid?
> you can never be too paranoid.

Oh, I don't know about that...

John P.
"Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything." - Bill Gates in Denmark

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