aphro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just built 2 machines to test a VPN and i named em kirk & spock :/

If you come to series...

Casimir (first one, 486 - broken at the moment)
Clodomir (P200)
Minimir (Vaio laptop)
Faramir & Boromir (Not mine actually - at work last year)
Cachemir (At work now)

Most of these names will of course speak only to French people (except
maybe Faramir & Boromir).  Casimir was a TV series in the early
1980's, Clodomir was one of Clovis's sons (Clovis was maybe the first
king of France, centuries ago).  Minimir is a washing powder (sold in
small quantities, unlike the Mir Express type).  Cachemir -- well.

Next one?
Stationmir (if I ever buy an Alpha workstation).

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