*- On 16 Nov, Bernhard Rieder wrote about "Re: X11 virtual display size"
> Brian Servis wrote:
>> Hmmm, don't know who to do this with X itself.  But, many window
>> managers provide this functionality.  Fvwm(the one I am familiar with)
>> provides control of this with the EdgeScroll, EdgeResistance and
>> EdgeThickness.
>> Mainly if you set 'EdgeScroll 0 0' then the pointer will not cause a
>> scroll.  Then you can set up the keys something like:
>> #   Key     Context Modifiers  Function
>> #---------------------------------------------
>> Key Left       A       M       Scroll -100 0
>> Key Up         A       M       Scroll +0 -100
>> Key Right      A       M       Scroll +100 +0
>> Key Down       A       M       Scroll +0 +100
> No that is not quite what I mean. This are virtual desktops.

Yes but the behavior is the same. Fvwm provides both virtural desktops
which are larger than the current view port and virtual disjoint
desktops that act as individual screens.

> OT:
> "Key Left  A  M  Scroll -100 0" is not really a good idea
> since netscape uses this and other apps might use it too.

Hmmm, learn something new every day.  However, netscape is not behaving
correctly then.  I have my left alt key set to ALT_L and my left windows
key set to META_L and netscape is using both of them as ALT.  This is a
bug if you ask me, META and ALT are two different modifiers and netscape
should honor that.  I will file a bug report if it is not already done.

[checks netscape/communicator bugs]

Nope, none have been filed. One is on its way now for

Brian Servis
Mechanical Engineering              |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University                   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |  because by that time you will be a
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis   |  mile away and have their shoes.

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