> One of the things I use the linux box for is an FTP server for my LAN, and I
> was wondering if it is okay to share the /home/ftp/pub directory between the 2
> distros so that as it gets modified in one distro the modifications will be
> updated in the other.  For example if my partitions are:
> hda
> /dev/hda1  /boot
> /dev/hda2  /
> /dev/hda3  /usr
> /dev/hda4  swap
> hdb
> /dev/hdb1  /boot
> /dev/hdb2  /
> /dev/hdb3  /usr
> /dev/hdb4  swap
> /dev/hdb5  /home/ftp/pub  shared between both distros
> will this work?

Yes, but why separate /boot, you'd better use a partition for /home
> I should be able to boot the second distro through the existing lilo file on 
> my
> mbr of hda correct?  I need to edit lilo.conf but then what is the rest of the
> proceedure for that?

2 blocks:

image=/vmlinuz      # or the name of rh kernel if its different
  label=r           # RedHat
  label=d           # debian
Then edit /etc/fstab of debian and add this line:
  /dev/hdb5   /home/ftp/pub   ext2   defaults (or whatever)  0   2
> One other question for now.  The second hd is a 15.2 gb Ibm which is
> autodetected in the bios, are there any problems with that, or are there boot
> parameters I should have in Lilo?

Use fdisk, not cfdisk; if you encounter problems, try to add this line 
to /etc/lilo.conf:  linear

Jean-Yves F. Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 "All language designers are arrogant.  Goes with the territory..."
(By Larry Wall)

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