For the win95 partition :.

1 - Create another primary partition.
      I have already tried to do it with the fdisk of linux but I had messages 
"partition table corrupted"
      finally I did it with the fdisk of win 95 (fat 16 or 32).
2 - boot linux
     create a new mount point for the new partition, mount both partitions
     copy the source partition to the target one with the 'cp' command.
3 - add new entry to the lilo.conf
4 - reboot on the new one and that's all.

Less than 30 minutes of work, to did it on an other partition on the same HD.

The only difference for you is that you have another hard drive, and I am not 
that you will be able to
boot immediately on your second drive if you don't remove the first one...have 
a try.


Martin Fluch wrote:

> On 18 Nov 1999, Martyn Pearce wrote:
> > Peter Weiss writes:
> > | Hello,
> > |
> > |     my harddisk is on the edge (still dma/ irq errors). Is there an easy 
> > way
> > |     to copy all partitions (Vfat WinNT/ Debian Linux/ Linux Swap) to new 
> > one
> > |     without reinstalling all things?
> >
> > dd --- diskdump --- is what you want.  Byte for byte copying.
> AFAIK dd can make the copied data useless, when the target hd isn't
> identicaly to the source hd (and with identicaly I mean it: same geometry
> and partitioned in the exact same way).
> ext2 partitions can easyly moved along with tar, and for swap partitions
> it makes no sense to copy them.
> vfat/winNT partitions seem to me mor tricky (I've never did that)
> Martin
> - --
> If Windows is the answer, can we please have the problem back?
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