Atheist Bastard wrote:
> I have just in the last few weeks started to mess with Linux.  I have
> successfully installed Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 on an old P100 box with
> CDROM.  My problem is that I want to investigate the contents of the
> CDROMs that I have, but nothing I have found that talks about anything
> like directory commands explains at all how to specify another drive to
> look at.  I purchased the official Debian GNU/Linux book/CDROM set and a
> fat book from Que with Red Hat/Caldera/Debian, a friend gave me an older
> book for Slackware, and I've read a bunch of stuff online.  What am I
> missing?  Am I just being dense?  Help!

Nah, you're not being dense; it's just a different culture. Give
it a few months and you'll be up to speed.

Linux   DOS
-----   ---
ls =    dir
cp =    copy
mv =    move
rm =    delete
cd =    cd
rmdir = rd
mkdir = md

"cd /etc/menu" changes to the directory named "/etc/menu"
"cd ~/docs" changes to the docs directory under your home
"cd /" changes to the root directory
"rm foo" deletes the file named foo
"rm -r foodir" deletes the directory named foodir and everything
below it (careful with this one)

To look at files on a different disk/drive, you first have to
mount that drive (this is a fairly tough concept for users from
the DOS/Windows world).

The usual "name" of the first floppy drive is /dev/fd0. To mount
it, you'd give a command such as "mount -t msdos /dev/fd0
/floppy" which means to mount the first floppy drive which is
ms-dos formatted and access it via the directory /floppy. The
/floppy directory must exist prior to this command.

To mount/access the cdrom, you'd use a command like "mount -t
iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom" or "mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt".
In this case the /cdrom or /mnt directory must exist before the
command is given.

Then you can "cd /floppy" or "cd /cdrom" and then "ls" to see
what files are there.


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