On Sun, Nov 21, 1999 at 05:10:55PM -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> > Thanks again. Please excuse my ignorance but what would be the best
> > way to change the irq and is 11 a good choice?
> IRQ 11 will work fine as long as
> 1) the card supports IRQ 11
> and
> 2) Nothing else is using IRQ 11
> > Also although ipchains is installed it`s not working (according to a
> > quick glance at the HOWTO I need to patch the kernel)
> > 
> > FUDO2:/home/paul#  ipchains -L
> > ipchains: cannot open file `/proc/net/ip_fwnames'
> You should make sure you're using a 2.2 kernel (highly recommended by me
> if you haven't already).  You should also make sure you have activated
> these options (before you compile the kernel):
> * Network Firewalls
> * IP: firewalling
> * IP: masquerading

I`m fairly new to all this so before I go to the extent of replacing the 
kernel, which I hadn`t intended to do until potato was the stable version, 
please could someone tell me in laymans terms how to change the IRQ that this 
NIC uses even if only to eliminate the IRQ as a possibility.
BTW I don`t know if this is relevant but if I do "lsmod" the at1700 driver 
doesn`t show and if I do"modprobe at1700" I get this message:

FUDO2:/home/paul# modprobe at1700
/lib/modules/2.0.36/net/at1700.o: init_module: Device or resource busy

Is this important?

Thanks again to all for the help so far.


Paul Walton                 * Powered by *             
Cambridge                * Debian GNU Linux *           
U.K.                   * http://www.debian.org *
  * PGP Public Key: http://pgp5.ai.mit.edu/ *

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