Colin Watson wrote:
> Vicente Torres wrote:
> >I receive hundreds of times pro day
> >the following message on my text screens:
> >
> > sent an invalid ICMP error to a broadcast
> >
> >¿Can I do anything to avoid receiving this message?
> I had the same problem, due to an apparently misconfigured LANManager
> server on this network. I used a firewall to filter it out:
> ipchains -A input -j DENY -p icmp -s
> ... on > 2.1.101 or 2.2 kernels, or:
> iptables -A INPUT -j DROP -p icmp -s
> ... on 2.3 kernels. (Can't remember what you need for 2.0 and <= 2.1.101
> kernels (ipfwadm), sorry.)
> --
> Colin Watson                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Trinity College, Cambridge, and Computer Science         []

Thank you very much,
your help is exactly what I was looking for.

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