On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
>> I want to produce some simple bar charts showing the difference between
>> different products.  Gnuplot doesn't seem to be able to do what I want (just
>> nice clean bars with numbers at the tops and descriptions at the bottom).
>Ok, here's my shoot at it using `gri' 

Excellent!  Thanks a lot!

I spent some time last night learning how to hack your code to do mostly what
I want.  GRI seems to be a very powerful and useful tool!

Now could you please suggest how I could get it to display a block of each
color followed by the label for it at the top right corner of the graph... 
I'm sure I can work this out given enough time, but the presentation is in 4
hours time...

What I want to do is have the labels at the bottom attach to groups of 3 or 4
columns.  For each group have 3 or 4 colors used.  Each group will compare
the performance of different file systems for a particular test.

Russell Coker

Electronic information tampers with your soul.

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