Hi all, 
        I finally managed to upgrade to patato over the weekend, 28hrs+ not
happy about the forthcomming
phone bill. :-( 
        Now I have a couple of problems. I installed something (don't know
what) that wanted to change the `ident' line in /etc/inetd.conf. Trouble
is it didn't because I got confused over the wording of the question.
So at the moment I am without the troubled ident line. My old one read

 ident           stream  tcp     nowait  daemon  /usr/sbin/midentd

but apparently this format is wrong. (Hmm just looking at it now is the
problem with the mident package?) Would
somebody be so kind as to mail me their ident line just in case I really
screw up.

Next the `halt' and `poweroff' commands don't. I'm running kernel 2.2.12
with apm. What gives? It used to work.

My /etc/init.d/network file used to read

#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo
route add -net
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK}

but I've had to comment out the two "route add -net" lines because they
were giving errors at boot time.
What's changed here. Is that going to be a problem?

Is there a document somewhere that documents the differences between
slink and potato? I feel like I'm 
missing out on an awful lot.

I finally compiled up the SB Live! Value driver for my card. CD's play
fine. UnrealTournament's a dog. The sound's
all choppy, I think maybe my machine is probably below spec for UT but
I'd appreciate any comments about eh sound.

I think I've got more questions but I need to play more first.

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