Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 12:04 AM
Subject: Help with a Dell Latitude CPia

I have installed corel linux onto my laptop. Everything looks great and runs
fine except for three things.

1. My ethernet card is not working. I can ping myself but I cannont ping
anything else.

I am still not able to get this to work, even with everyone's advice. I will
try the PCMCIA package 3.1.3 that was suggested.

2. I have no sound. sndconfig cannot detect a sound card. I think these
laptops use some Neomagic sound chip.

It was suggested to upgrade to the newest kernel 2.2.13? Corel's 1.0 kernel
is the 2.2.12. If I use the regular debian kernel is there any chance that
this will interfere with the corel setup?

3. My Gold card 56K modem will dial out but will not connect to my ISP. I
get the error that the pppd died unexpectedly.

I cleared out the /etc/ppp/config file and that solved the problem. Thanks!!

Any help would be appreciated]

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