> 1. the xterm scrollbar displays differently in debian from in redhat.  I
> like it in redhat more.  Is it a thing about terminfo? ( Running redhat
> binary in debian got same result. )
This is configurable by the ~/.Xresources:
XTerm*rightScrollBar:   true
XTerm*scrollBar:        true
XTerm*multiScroll:      true
IIRC there's some for the color, too. do a "man xterm" !

> 2. what are all xterm.color* about?  I observe some relationship between
> them with some application's color appearance, but not able to understand
> all.
you have 16 colors that you can set with the ANSI sequences. 
(try a "/bin/ls --color | less -n" to see it)
I you say vim: use color 'red' then its color #4. xterm.color4 then
actually maps this color to a RGV value for your monitor.

> 3. syntax color( VI ) shows differently in different term 
> emulators. Basically, I like the color in rxvt.
strange - xterm offers you *three* degrees of each color, rxvt only
two (bold, underline and normal, I think are choosable, in rxvt two
are shown the same....) You should be able to set this with xterm.color*

> 4. I like ctrl-up and ctrl-down equals to up and down resp.(VI insert
> mode) However, I only get it in redhat's xterm.
you mean moving the cursor while beeing in input mode ? That's a 
vim thing and has nothing to do with xterm (i thing:-))
Here it's working wonderfull btw.
I think it's standard with vi so maybe clean all your vim files,
and install the most recent version.

> 5. I used to have <home> <end> key work in Pine. Unfortunately, not any
> more.
I had similar problems, too. I did:
1. only use xterm (more memory but it's simply better)
2. use "export TERM=xterm-debian"
3. in my ~/.Xresources inserted:
        ! Debians xterm
        *VT100.Translations: #override ~Meta \
                        <Key>BackSpace: string("\177")\n\
                        <Key>Delete: string("\033[3~")\n\
                        <Key>Home: string("\033OH")\n\
                        <Key>End: string("\033OF")
4. Then you have to configure pine to use the following codes for home,end:
   Be carefull, if you press (in vim) ctrl-v and then home you will get
   ^[OH and then you have to modify it to ^[[H. (^[ is ESC). I don't know
   why it is, but my .lesskey file only works that way.

> Happy turkey holidays,
BTW: Why do you americans call thanksgiving like that european country ?

> jack


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