> On 27 Nov 1999 18:16:47 +0100 
> Paul Seelig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Has this already been ported to a better (and freer) toolkit than
> > xforms, like GTK+ (or at least Qt)?  
> XFMail is tightly married to XForms.  I would not expect this to
> change.

Darned ugly too. Enough to make you yearn for Windows!!

The mail client I use is the excellent (IMHO) Ishmail. Ishmail
(www.ishmail.com) was a commercial email app and is now free. The source
code is available too. I had hoped someone would compile it with glibc
2.1 and debianise it a bit, but my pleas on the net and on this list
have remained unanswered.

Iahmail is highly polished and is more like what you might expect from a
commercial Windows app. I have tried other clients, but keep on using

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 

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