On Sat, 27 Nov 99 20:39:41 GMT 
John  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> b. I understand a .forward file (in my home directory) will enable
> me to sort incoming mail. Can I create it in a text editor (say
> pico or ee - my favourites) and are there any special rules and
> examples.

You can create a .forward file with any text editor: emacs, vi, pio, 
whatever.  The contents are either the email address you want your
mail forwarded to, or the command you wish your mail processed with:



  | procmail -f-

If youare using Exim and wish to have your mail filtered by procmail
however there is a better way in that you have Exim look for an
recognise the existance of a .procmailrc (procmail's control file)
and go from there.  Look in the archives for this list for my posts
on this subject in the last week or so detailing exactly how to do

> c. What are RFC 821 and RFC 822.

RFC 821 defines the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, the protocol
which defines how different systems exchange email.

RFC 822 defines the format and headers of Internet email messages.

A good place to find out more than you want to know about RFCs:


J C Lawrence                                 Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
----------(*)                              Other: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=--

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