Sven Gaerner wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm running potato with GNOME and gmc with some icons on the desktop. The font
> of this icons is very bad to read...
> Can anybody help me?

Is it that it's too small, or the letters are misshapen?  I had some really ugly
letters in the window title bars of enlightenment, because I had installed
xfonts-100dpi but not 75dpi, so it was trying to use scalable fonts to make 
lettering, which was really ugly.  Do you have the 75 dpi fonts installed?

But you raise a good point: you can set the default gtk font using the theme
selector, but not the font of the gmc icons.  You might want to file a wishlist 
report for gmc, ask them to use the default gtk font, or to allow users to 
choose a
new one.

It may be more helpful to file this report at, since it will go 
directly to the author that way; at it first has to go through 
package maintainer.  GNOME uses the Debian bug tracking system, just on a 


-Adam P.

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