On Mon, 29 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

zdrysd >is there any way to find out the configuration settings of an active 
zdrysd >other than using the .config file.?

no easy way, i read discussion on ideas that would store a copy of the
config in /proc but i dont think it ever got out the door.

zdrysd >Does the kernel for Debian have to be Debian specific or are Linux 
zdrysd >used generically?  ie. kernel used for Debian can be used for RedHat.

the kernel is virtually identical accross the distributions, some minor
patches bring minor differences, but rarely anything that would affect
basic functionality.

zdrysd >is kernel 2.0.37 a stable kernel?

2.0 is an even number (the '0' part) so it is part of the stable tree.  I
use 2.0.36+securelinux(its over a year old) and am not planning on
upgrading anytime soon despite the fact that i run dual processors.

zdrysd >are kernels version specific?  ie... can a 2.2.x kernel work on debian
zdrysd >1.3(bo)?

it probably can, but it would take quite a bit of software updats, read
the Changes file in the Documentation subdir to see a list of equired
packages and where to get the newest (surce) versions.  I was running 2.1
on a slackware3.2 system for some time, i think that is about as old as a
debian 1.3 system.


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