On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Ethan Benson wrote:

> On 30/11/99 Martin Dickopp wrote:
> >Read the section "Restricted Shell" in the bash documentation; this
> >might be what you're looking for.  In restricted mode, you can
> >control what commands bash can execute, so you could limit them
> >to telnet and ssh.
> I tried this out once, it was interesting, but all i had to do was 
> type `bash' and get a real unrestricted shell. <shrug> maybe i missed 
> something :-)

In restricted mode, the user can neither modify the PATH environment
variable, nor invoke programs not in one of the directories in PATH.
PATH should of course be set up to point to a special directory which
contains all the commands the user is allowed to invoke, but not a


Martin Dickopp                Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inst. f. Kern- und Teilchenphysik, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
Office ASB E22       Phone +49-351-463-3107      Fax +49-351-463-3114

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