On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:

ssahme >Are you saying that SMP kernels should not be compiled with a gcc other
ssahme >than version ?

im just echoing the people on the list, linus, alan, and others..thats
what they say..i had big probs with kernels (SMP) that was compiled with

ssahme >How about compiling a non-SMP kernel with gcc ver. > ?

same..avoid other compilers when compiling the kernel, one guy said the
code in the kernel is so clean and fast using a optimized compiler wouldnt
help much anyways.

ssahme >I posted a similar query about compiling a 2.2.10 kernel with gcc-2.95.2
ssahme >on this list, and the unanimous response I got (both on the list and via
ssahme >email) was to "go ahead and use gcc-2.95.2" without thinking twice about
ssahme >it.

ask the linux-kernel mailing list and you will prob get the opposite, read
kt.linuxcare.com they have a lot of info about what goes on, really useful

ssahme >FWIW, I have been using a 2.2.13 kernel compiled with gcc-2.95.2 since
ssahme >it first came out without any problems so far but then mine is a home
ssahme >system not a production box that is up 24x7.

some things may work fine..i load test my machines before i deploy them,
my latest server was a k6-2 366 with 128MB and i ran 10x copies of
[EMAIL PROTECTED], ran it for about a day (6.8 million disk writes) no crash..if
it works..good, but if you encounter problems, the kernel hackers
reccomend compiling with and see if u still get the problem.

again, im just echoing what i read on kernel traffic, im not a hacker and
cant speak from experience other then having kernels crash on me sometimes
with 2.9/2.8 gcc but fine under (currently running 2.0.36 on my
main server with 103+ days uptime)


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