> > I then went about trying to configure my printcap file manually, but 
> > I'm a little confused about all the settings it needed.
> > 
> > Here's what I have in it:
> > 
> > lp|x4520mp|Xerox 4520mp:\
> >         :sd=/var/spool/x4520mp:\
> >         :rm=jchawk5:\
> >         :rp=x4520mp_4:\
> >         :sh=:

You may also want to make sure that the machine jchawk5 is in your
/etc/hosts file (or can be found with nslookup jchawk5), and that this
machine also has lpd running with a printer named x4520mp_4 in

I have a network-enabled Xerox machine that can be printed to (the
network board runs Linux!), and for this application, your /etc/printcap
looks more like:


This prints directly to the print spooler inside the printer itself.
Most of the networked printers I've used (HP, Xerox) have an internal 
spooler named lp.

Christopher S. Swingley           tel: 907-474-2689 fax: 474-2643
930 Koyukuk Drive, Suite 408C     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Alaska Fairbanks    www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu:8080/
Fairbanks, AK  99775                     ~cswingle

PGP key: http://www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu:8080/~cswingle/pubkey.asc

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