>>>Carl Fink wrote:
 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 > > If you have installed the `menu'-package, click on the entry
 > > `window-managers', where you have entries for all installed WMs. If
 > > you click on one, it changes to this WM -- that's all, no extra
 > > utility needed. (Why, it's Debian :).)
 > Yes, I know, but I have KDE installed now and it's not in fact
 > appearing as a choice there, and in the past when I've used that
 > feature it hasn't made a permanent change -- it just loaded a
 > different window manager for that particular session.  I'm looking for
 > something that can:
 >      1)Handle more than just "window manager" changes (even
 >        though that's what I wrote).  I want it to handle "operating
 >        environments" like KDE/GNOME as well.

AFAIK, debian treat them the same. 

Slink and potato use the
/etc/X11/window-mangers file to determine the default window
manager (first one is the default).   Some weeks ago Potato
switched from the the window-managers file to the alternatives
mechanism.  Now Potato in x-window-manager  is a link to the
default window manager.

 >      2)Actually change config files so that you don't revert to
 >        your previous WM/environment on your next boot.

Slink: update /etc/X11/window-mangers
Potato change x-window-mangers link via 'ln' or update-alternatives

the user can change the system default in the file ~/.wmrc

 > -- 
 > Carl Fink            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum
 > <http://dm.net>
 > -- 
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