I always heard that outlook was a piece of shit, based on mostly the fact
that it is so prone to virus spreading.  Sure there may be ways
"around" this but the average user isn't going to know about them.

My first(and so far, only) bad experience with Outlook was after a server
upgrade(I saw hundreds of similar posts to newsgroups)  Sendmail by
default I believe sends a rather lengthy anti spam warning when a user
connects(its about 30-40 lines long?)  After the mail server changeover,
EXISTING outlook (express/standard/2000) clients could no longer connect
to send mail, but NEW clients(that were fresh installs) had no
problem.  After 5 hours of debugging it with another admin(who also uses
outlook) we got outlook to log what it was doing to a file, and it was NOT
FOLLOWING SMTP STANDARDS! A client is supposed to say hello, and the
server replies and the client begins the mail stuff, well outlook was
saying hello right at initial connection (before the spam notice was
sent) and just started dumping the mail before the SMTP server(sendmail
8.9.2 at the time) told it it was ok to go ahead and start! Sendmail got
all this extra crap it was not expecting and rejected the send. Talk about
a rude client!  The work around was to turn off the SPAM notice/warning
(This only happened on outlook users, other clients like Eudora and
netscape had no problems with the changeover)

the other admin filed a bug report with MS(he knows lots of people
there) so the problem may be fixed now..but DAMN what a headache.

another incident i went to a client's site to installation of a security
system and they were fighting viruses all day long and guess what! using
NT and exchange and outlook. I wasn't involved in the cleanup other then
pointing out to their admins(about as bright as my cat == typical NT 
admin?) that their virus scanners were 2 years old and assisted them in a
download of a newer version.

i have, do, and always will strongly reccomend against using outlook no
matter what enviornment you may work in.

but thats me.

(i use pine/netscape and eudora when on a win* platform)

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