To install Lilo in the MBR of the primary/master drive (/dev/hda), you
need this line in your /etc/lilo.conf:


A minimum lilo.conf in your case (with no menu or boot prompt) might be:


Hope this gets you going...


Loren King wrote:
> A quick follow-up to my own query, with a bit more info.  I wrote:
> > I have two HD's, /dev/hda is the master, but Linux is installed on
> > /dev/hdb. ...  I can't seem to figure out how to get LILO to put the
> > boot stuff on /dev/hda and then start up Linux on /dev/hdb.
> The partition info for my drives is as follows ...
> Master drive:                   Slave drive:
> /dev/hda1  ext2    40 MB        /dev/hdb1  ext2 (root)  1800 MB
> /dev/hda2  ext2   300 MB        /dev/hdb2  ext2          350 MB
>                                 /dev/hdb3  Linux swap     50 MB
> Again, Linux is installed on /dev/hdb, and /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2 and
> /dev/hdb2 are mounted at various points.  So far, I've tried copying the
> boot directory to /dev/hda, but when I specify root=/dev/hdb in
> lilo.conf, LILO gives me a warning: "hdb not on first drive."  It also
> seems to be writing the boot sector to hdb instead of hda, and nothing
> I do seems to change this.  Thanks for any thoughts you might have.

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