I have been having problems with my hard drive with Slink on it putting
out the following errors and hanging:

Dec  3 22:14:14 xyf kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy } 
Dec  3 22:14:14 xyf kernel: ide0: reset: success 
Dec  3 22:14:24 xyf kernel: hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy } 
Dec  3 22:14:24 xyf kernel: ide0: reset: success 

I've posted about this before and see there is lots of info about these
errors.  I've checked cables and so on.  I had this problem with another
HD and replaced with this brand new one.  I don't have any trouble with
my Windows side so I was thinking I could try to swith the two HDs to
see if I could get the HD with Slink on it to work better.  My HD with
Windows on it is hda the master drive.  Slink is on the slave drive
hdb.  They are both on the same cable.  My question is how do I swap the
HDs on the cable so Slink would be hda and windows hdb?  In other words
how do I get my system to boot directly off hda (which it does now) but
boot the Slink drive?  What do I have to do to the Slink drive before I
switch them physically?  Here is my /etc/lilo.conf

boot = /dev/hda
delay = 50

image = /vmlinuz
  root = /dev/hdb1
  label = slink

other = /dev/hda1
  label = 95
  table = /dev/hda


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