
I've read all the docs and searched all the mailing lists, but can't find an
answer for this one.

I just installed the quake2 deb package, as well as the quake2-dm package.
I've read the setup instructions for copying the cd data to the hard drive
in /etc/quake2deb.conf and done all that.  Running a single player game
works fine.  However, when I try to play over the network, the game just
dies.  Here is the output from my terminal window:

------- sound initialization -------
sound sampling rate: 11025
------- Loading ref_softx.so -------
Cmd_AddCommand: +mlook already defined
Cmd_AddCommand: -mlook already defined
Cmd_AddCommand: force_centerview already defined
Couldn't write config.cfg.
recursive shutdown
Error: VID: Could not open display []


Given the "Couldn't write" error, I first thought it might be a permissions
problem, but it does this as both my userid and root.  I'm pretty lost on
this one, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

 - Carey

"They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me."
    -- Nathaniel Lee, on being consigned to a mental institution, 
       circa 17th century.

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