Joe Block wrote:
> When I did the install on my friend's laptop, the first thing I did
> after corel's install was done was add my local mirror of slink,
>, the y2k updates & the XFree86 3.3.5 to its
> sources.list and update & upgrade.

   I went ahead and did a Corel to slink upgrade.  I added in the Debian
slink lines to /etc/apt/sources.list and also a line to
slink-proposed-updates.  Then I used dselect to do an update, selected a few
additional games for good measure, and installed everything.

   The system came up and seemed to work just fine.  I didn't do anything
extensive to it, but the only oddity I noticed was that the Debian menu
wasn't buried into KDE like it normally is.

   This ought to be interesting, because as Corel establishes itself I'm
sure we'll be dealing with more and more Corel users here in Debian-User...


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