-k will keep the settings active over an IDE reset, not a system reset.
That is:  Occationally, the system may find that it needs to update the
state of the IDE devices, and issues an IDE reset to send the disks
or controller to a know state (I'm not exactly sure how or why it does this.)

If this happens, all your settings are lost.  In theory, these IDE resets
could happen at any time the system is running.  In practice they don't
seem to happen very often.   But if they do gert isues an IDE reset,
your hdparm changes are lost.  -k will allo them to stay.  But after turning
off the system, or even doing a soft-reset, they will be lost.

I suggest putting something like this in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh:

# Let's crank those harddisks for all their worth!
        if [ -f /usr/sbin/hdparm ] ; then
            echo "Optimizing hard disk parameters."
            hdparm -c1 -d1 -u1 -m16 -a8 -k1 /dev/hda
            hdparm -c1 -d1 -u1 -m16 -a8 -k1 /dev/hdb

            echo "hdparm is missing.  Skipping hard disk optimization."

NOTE:  It looks like the path to hdparm recentlyt changed!  Check the
location of hdparm in your system (which hdparm) and modify the above.


On 05-Dec-1999 Neil Conway wrote:
> *Please cc all replies to me, as I'm not subscribed to the list currently*
> I am using potato, with an ATA/33 HD (Quantum Fireball, 8.4 gig).
> Whenever I restart my system, hdparm yields this:
># hdparm -c -k -d /dev/hda
> /dev/hda:
>  I/O support = 0 (default 16-bit)
>  using_dma    =  1 (on)
>  keepsettings =  0 (off)
> Then, I issue the following command, which gives me this:
># hdparm -c 1 -k 1 -d 1 /dev/hda
> /dev/hda:
>  setting 32-bit I/O support flag to 1
>  setting using_dma to 1 (on)
>  setting keep_settings to 1 (on)
>  I/O support  =  1 (32-bit)
>  using_dma    =  1 (on)
>  keepsettings =  1 (on)
> I can tell it works since hdparm -t /dev/hda is faster, etc.
> However, whenever I reboot, the settings are lost, and it goes back to the
> original settings.
> I thought '-k' was supposed to tell hdparm to save settings?
> What is going on? FWIW, should I be running hdparm in single user mode? I
> usually just run it from an xterm, but there have been no ill-effects thus
> far.
> Thanks in advance.
> --------------------------
> Neil Conway
> Date: 04-Dec-1999
> TIme: 20:32:12
> For my GnuPG key, please see:
> --------------------------
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