I am looking into getting a new laptop and wanted to know what you all
reccomend in terms of linux compadiblity.

I think my best bet is to go with the "linux certified" laptops from
www.affordablecomputers.com they had a beta program and have a couple
lines that are tested compadible.  At good prices too.

What I'd like:

300Mhz + (prefer AMD but will take intel)
6GB or more..
any supported graphics chip and lcd that can support 1024x768 @ 16bit at a
decent speed.  Prefer the latest tech though, active TFT is it ? say
13" or better.
any supported soundcard
any supported 10/100 integrated or PCMCIA NIC
any supported v90 modem integrated or PCMCIA
any supported integrated cdrom/floppy
prefer a trackpad, but if it comes down to it i'll take anything
decent sized keyboard if possible i got big hands, but if i have to carry
around a ps/2 keyboard with my laptop i'll do it.
perfer it to be $2100 or less :)

I will probably grab a copy of laptop acceleratedX eventually but XFREE
support would be nice.  As for sound i am willing to purchase OSS drivers
or whatever else may make it work if it is worth it(rather then using
beta/alpha drivers or somethin)

the reason i ask is i think the support would be better if i had a hard
failure with a gateway or ibm or dell or something..but most laptop
vendors have all this VAR crap like win* and apps for win*.

i can get all the above (i think its a celeron 400) from
afforablecomputers.com for about $2040. (with no OS)

ease of installation isn't an issue, if there are drivers for it i'll get
it working somehow :) im not looking for something where i can install a
distro and be up and running in 10 minutes(although it would be nice).
and would like to hear reports on how BeOS runs on a laptop, i grabbed a
copy of it last week and am quite impressed with it, and noticed it
supported some laptop stuff like neomagic and several ATI graphics chips.
not sure what my distro of choice will be for that thing, seems like a
choice between the latest SuSe(never tried it) or slink/potato.


(underpaid, underlinuxed IT guy)


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