> is there anyway to label a particular block on a scsi hdisk as being bad?
> I am performing a mke2fs -c, which checks for bad blocks....in this
> particular case it has found a bad block and has aborted the mke2fs process
> with an error message.


I had the same problem, but mkfs didn't just quit, but hung the system.
I don't understand why. Long ago, I had the same experience; on
Slackware 3.4 I think. The disk had more bad sectors, but the
"formatting" was done correctly.

It seems that mkfs couldn't handle the SCSI time out.

Since I didn't know how to built a filesystem on this particular
bad-sector'ed disk, I just skipped the block, and everything was fine.
Of course, about 50MB was lost on my 300MB disk.


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