On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 05:32:05PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
> On 7/12/99 Rob Mahurin wrote:
> >
> >Is there a program that will lock my text consoles for me if I'm idle
> >for a while?  Something like:
> >
> >while !KeyboardInterrupt /* nobody's typing */
> >     sleep 5m /* OK, they're really gone forever */
> >     clear
> >     vlock --all
> >
> >Or something.  xlock with the timer but without the X.
> this would be nice, but it would have to run in the background 

like xscreensaver & xlockmore do, is what I had in mind.

> unattached to the tty, I don't think vlock will work properly if its 
> started that way..
> just as a quick test i tried:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ vlock &

Good point.  Instead you can use 'openvt -sw -- vlock' (which is not
really useful without the -a).  (the openvt man page says that this
should switch the console back when vlock is done, but it doesn't, bug

After some playing I have something that works from tty1 (would be
better without the -s -w bug):

23:15 ~ $ cat > t
openvt -w -s -- vlock
chvt 1
23:15 ~ $ chmod +x t
23:15 ~ $ chvt 2 ; sleep 1 ; ./t

So I could scan /dev/tty[1-9]* to make sure nobody has typed anything
recently, then run this from the background.  Or something.  If nobody
else has written it I'll do it over Christmas.


Today is what happened to yesterday.

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