>is it possible to install a package using dpkg without
>sitting at the console, i.e. offline?  The system is
>The problem is with a PC somewhere in the desert connected
>via ISDN/PPP:  A friend wants to update the ISDN package.
>Of course, if he tries to dpkg -i isdnutils_xyz.deb, the
>connection to the PC would drop.  He tried to use dpkg with
>`at' and `cron', that is firing the `at' job, logging out
>and logging in after the `at' job.  A similar at script is:


My guess is that the problem is due to some subtle difference between
the environment set up in the at job and the normal environment, though
I'm prepared to admit I might be wrong. If that's the case, then using
'dpkg -i isdnutils_xyz.deb &' (send to background) ought to do the

Colin Watson                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Trinity College, Cambridge, and Computer Science         [riva.ucam.org]

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