I reconfigured my mouse using xf86config(XF86Setup won't work with the SiS530) 
and still no change. I thought for a while it might be my font server, but all 
the screen fonts show up fine. I was able to produec a single "9" by banging on 
the keyboard, but was unable to repeat it even with much more keyboard 
banging... Could I have a broken version of XKBD? is there a way to have apt or 
dselect install an older viersion? Thanks a bunch!


>>> Armin Wegner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/07/99 05:43AM >>>
On Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 09:13:19AM -0700, Raphael Clancy wrote:
> Here's my sad story.....
> To start, I have the worst video card ever... It's based on SiS 530 chipset. 
> It's built on to the mother board oad uses 8 megs of system memory for 
> graphics, of course it uses the first 8 megs, so any calls to memory have to 
> be routed around the graphics, which is slooow.
> SiS is pretty cool, (even if they license their chips to hacks) They provide 
> a version of XF86_SVGA which supports the 530, which just drops into the 
> /usr/X11R6/bin/ directory and works fine. The problem is that it requires 
> xfree86 3.3.5. I'm running slink which comes with 3.3.2(?), so I head off to 
> http://www.xfree.org and grab the latest binaries and install them which goes 
> pretty smoothly, after I find that I need to install the regframe lib. Then I 
> drop in the SiS version of XF86_SVGA run the config and everything works 
> great... 
> Anyway here is the problem. A couple of days ago reading a post here I saw 
> that xf86 3.3.5 was availible from Vincet's slink-update area so not being 
> the smartest monkey, I decide that it would be great if my packages actually 
> reflected my system. so I added the site to my list did an apt-get 
> dist-upgrade. and it pulled down the files, installed and everything seemed 
> to go ok I dropped in the SiS version of XF86_SVGA and as it was mighty late 
> I went to sleep, however, when I restarted my system, it hung while loading 
> the x font server (xfs). Using a rescue disk I was able to get into the 
> system and remove the xfs entry from rc2.d . then I used apt-get to install 
> the truetype sever (xftts). I rebooted, and it went just fine everything 
> loaded, and wdm poped up, however, I was unable to type anything into the 
> login box. in fact, my whole keyboard was dead with the caps-lock and numlock 
> keys disabled (ie I could not make the LEDs turn on...) 
> So that's where I sit... I can telnet to the machine, and all the gui 
> functions work but I can't type. Suggestions?

Check your mouse configuration. If you have told X that there is a mouse,
but there isn't or it's another one, you are not able to type in anything.
This normally happens when you forget to plug in your mouse after you 
done anything with your hardware.


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