On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, RAVIKANT K RAO wrote:

ravika >  true , but if there was an option whereby i could avoid getting 
ravika >copies , but just get single copies , wont it be simpler for me / you /
ravika >anyone else ?
ravika >  whats the big idea in purposefully getting multiple copies ?

well, i use pine, and from what I see pine defaults to replying to the
user, and cc'n to the list, so it would mean going out of my way in
changing the headers to get it to reply to the list and not CC.  When i
hit 'R' it says 'reply to all recipients?' if i say yes it cc's to the
list, if i say no it just goes to you.  maybe there is an option in pine
to change this behavior, but that is what it seems to default to.

ravika >  let me re-affirm that it was *not* an attempt at being rude /etc but
ravika >just the frustration of handling about 450 emails a day and getting
ravika >multiple copies of the same thing isnt exactly the nicest thing to 

ok, yeah i understand that, i setup seperate accounts for each list im
on..one day i'll learn how to filter with procmail but until then ..

ravika >  my apologies if i went out of the way to annoy anyone. they were
ravika >unintended.

no offense recieved it's just a suprise to see a bunch of caps, i remember
a few years ago when caps never bothered me, but now for some reason they
do, makes it look like someone is screaming(co workers mail in CAPS all
the time, makes me jump when the boss mails me in CAPS something :/)  you
may wayt to consider another way of saying that, say like in lower case
with *'s on the outside.

but in the end, it comes down to my client (pine 4.21) which cc's the list
and replies to u instead of the other way around..


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