On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 02:02:52PM +1100, Damon Muller wrote:
> I think one issue is that, if you need to do a long, manual download, it
> might be worth waiting. I have potato running on my machine at work, and
> do an apt-get ugrade about once a week, and it's always a large
> download.
> I think, if you are planning on doing it by modem, you're going to have
> to do it all over again in a few months when it eventually goes stable.
> It's a long (though not terribly painful) process to do more than once.

Is the upgrade like the install, full of annoying questions that stop
the upgrade process until a response is entered?  I find this aspect of
Debian somewhat annoying.  RedHat installs by asking questions before
and after, but none during the install.  Very quick feeling, as one does
not have to monitor the process as it proceeds.

> ~/.gnome-desktop), it works fine. If you only want a few key packages
> updated, and you're willing to risk a few minor problems, just update
> the stuff you need and see how you go.

I want to do the upgrade because of all the nifty packages available,
that require new libraries. :(

William Burrow -- New Brunswick, Canada
A 'box' is something that accomplishes a task -- you feed in input and
out comes the output, just as God and Larry Wall intended.
                                         -- brian moore

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