On Sun, Dec 12, 1999 at 10:52:09PM -0600, ktb wrote:
> Phil Brutsche wrote:
> > A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> <snip>
> > > The other thing I'm having trouble with is the computer I wish to use as
> > > a server is a 386 with Windows 3.11 on it.
> > Win3.11?  As a server?
> I was reading that I could set up Samba and run a Windows only printer
> through Windows 3.11.

IIRC, the printer redirect utility that you will have to use only works in
32-bit windows stuff (Win32 extensions on 3.x won't work).  I had a 386
running 95 for a while doing just this (god was it slow... but it got my
printer working).  You might try NT 3.51 if you have it kicking around, that
will work as well, but I'm quite sure Win3.11 won't.

> > > It came with a card and at one time was on a network.  There is a pop
> > > up when it boots that says, "The NetWare Shell has not been loaded.
> > > All network functions will me disabled.  ...load the software and
> > > restart."  Of course I don't have the Novell NetWare disk to do that.
> > > Can I set that box up from my Slink side in some way?
> > As in make the slink system a NetWare compatible server?
> I guess I was just wondering if there was anyone out there that had a
> link or something to 'how to configure a network in Windows 3.11.'  I've
> looked on the net and haven't seen one.  I may be hosed if I can't get
> config files and stuff set up on the Windows box.
> Thanks for your reply,

TCP/IP in Win3.11 is more than a pain in the butt.  If you do decide to go
with 3.11, you will need to get a TCP/IP stack from a 3rd party.  One does
not ship with Windows 3.11.  Then you can set up NetBEUI to go over the
TCP/IP stack (point&click, should be simple to find).  Samba on your
GNU/Linux box will then allow the two to communicate.


"Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams
himself your master."

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