I'm reluctant to re-open what I know is an old discussion, but
... I've looked in the list archives, and I've searched on the web.

All I want is a simple spreadsheet program---very basic arithmetic
functions, the ability to save the worksheet as a PS file for
previewing and printing, and a semi-reasonable user interface.

I've tried Siag and found it very frustrating---erratic and
unpredictable behavior combined with impenetrable documentation. 

I've tried Abacus and that seemed better except that the functions
which produce PS files seem to be very hard to control and the
documentation is minimalist and not well organized.

I've tried Xspread, but the user-interface is not exactly slick.

I've downloaded WingZ but (i) I've had trouble getting it to run
without segmentation faults and (ii) I'd prefer to use a GPL-ed

I could install the Staroffice behemoth, but talk about overkill ...

Are there options (maybe new options since this was last discussed?)
that I'm forgetting or that I don't know about?

Thanks very much,

Jim McCloskey

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