
        Well, Her Majesty's empire really came through for me!  Thank you to  
David and Frank for your help.

        Frank was right about booting off the non-BIOS SCSI disk...for some  
reason, it does work (and, as he hinted, the magic incantation to LILO seems  
to be "linear").  I did not end up needing to try loadlin, though that looks  
like a fine solution.

        Incidentally, because I share this box with others (hence my  
hesitation to touch the IDE drive), I wanted something a little more  
user-friendly in the boot loader.  I had an old copy of System Commander  
around, so I tried installing it.
        It would not see the second drive even though LILO did, but it has  
an option to boot from a MBR saved to a file.  So I used "dd" to save the  
LILO MBR to a file on the Dos/Win partition. System Commander was then able  
to boot Win98 directly, and to chain-boot LILO.

                Thanks, guys,


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