On Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 02:04:07PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Someone I know is running potato and has a MS Intellimouse (a mouse with two 
> buttons and a wheel). What we'd like to be able to do is have the 
> functionality of both the wheel and an emulated third button. However, we 
> read 
> that the Emulate3Buttons in X doesn't work if ZAxisMapping is turned on. So, 
> currently, we have ZAxisMapping on (so we can get the scrolling) but she has 
> no way of doing the third mouse-button click. What we'd like to be
> able to do 
> is somehow make Ctrl + Button-1 (or button-1 + button-2) send X a button-3 
> click. Is there any way to do this, either with XF86Config, xmodmap, the 
> window manager (we are using Enlightenment), or any other method?

If you set the mouse protocol in your XF86Config file to either IMPS/2
(PS/2 intellimouse) or Intellimouse (serial) then clicking on the
middle mouse button, i.e. the wheel, works just fine.  You don't need
to emulate anything...

Hope that helps,


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