>Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 15:30:16 GMT
>From: Pedro Quaresma de Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], debian-user@lists.debian.org
>>Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 11:33:23 -0800 (PST)
>>On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, dyer wrote:
>>> >
>>> > >>
>>> > >> I have bought (two day ago) a  modem, it says (in the windows software)
>>> > >> that it is a "Motorols SM56 PCI, Speakerphone Modem" and it is on
>>> > >> COM4.
>>> > >
>>> > >That says it all. Speakerphone Modem = Winmodem. Take it back and get a
>>> > >real modem.
>>> > >--
>>> >
>>> > Now I have an "Supra 2260 PCI Modem Enumerator/Supra Max 56i Voice
>>> > PCI" (dual personality!?), but no luck ... :(
>>> >
>>> > It is an internal PCI modem, Windows says that it is on COM3, IRQ10,
>>> > so it should be in /dev/ttyS3, but I only have two serial connections
>>> > working,
>>> >
>>> I think you bought another winmodem. To expand on the last response, I 
>>> would go by
>>> the _general_ rule:
>>> PCI Modem = Winmodem
>>PCI modem with the string `HCF' in the description under Windows =
>>PCI modem listed as `comm controller' in any BIOS verbosity might be a
>>real modem. Currently, AFAIK, PCI serial support is in the unstable 2.3.x
>>kernels, but there is a backport for a couple devices in 2.0.38

I have compiled the 2.3.31 Kernel and now I have

$ cat /proc/pci

    Communication controller: Rockwell International HCF 56k V90 FaxModem (rev 
      IRQ 10.
      Master Capable.  Latency=64.  
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe9000000 [0xe900ffff].
      I/O at 0xe800 [0xe807].

This means (Rockwell International HCF) that I have bought another
Winmodem ??? :(

    At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Departamento de Matem\'atica, Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
url: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~pedro/
phone: 351 39 791170

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