On 99-12-09 Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Better is to use PINE which is availlable for 
> win16/32, Dos and Linux.

Yes, both Unix Pine and PC-Pine understand unix (aka mbox), mbx,
mtx, and tenex mailbox formats so as long as you're using one of
these mailbox formats you shouldn't have any problem using both
Unix Pine and PC-Pine on the folders. I've got lots of info about
"Setting Up PC-Pine for Power Users" at:


A lot of the info in there is relevant to Unix pine too.

Good luck,

Pine info & links @ http://www.ii.com/internet/messaging/pine/
©Nancy McGough         http://www.ii.com/         Infinite Ink
-----== Sent via Pine 4.21 running on Debian GNU/Linux ==-----

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