On Sat, 18 Dec 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:
> Tried that. Didn't help. I converted the URIs in my
> /etc/apt/sources.list to use ftp instead of http and things are better
> now.

Which version of APT are you using? I tried your proxy with 0.3.15 and it
works fine. I actually fixed an error like you got (Bad header line) some
time ago.

> customers. Since about 2 weeks, I have noticed a slight but consistent
> reduction in their bandwidth. The best downloads that I can get now are
> at about 3.1-3.3K/s. Prior to that I was getting about 4.1K/s
> consistently.

Well, since all the web traffic is going through a single machine and not
a high speed router you will see that machine saturate if their usage is
too great - note it only effect HTTP on port 80.


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