luis wrote:
> hello
> when i connect using ppp and get a dynamic IP as i can
> not make a telnet to me from another machine
> from another machine (cenected using eth0) i can ping to the machine
> using ppp, but when i try to make a telnet to the ppp machine i always
> get the following:
> trying
> telnet: unable to conect to remote host: no route to host
> my IP always gives me a dynamic IP as
> the gateway is:
> i can make outbound services: web, ftp, email (out and in), etc
> but i need inbound access to that machine with ppp
> where is the failure? in my end? with my ISP?
> i believe that the IP of the gateway is reserved, and that the IP
> given to me are C class, does this have some influence?
> is possible to make a telnet to my machine using these IPs ?
> thanks a lot
> erasmo

telnet seems to have a -d option for debug, did you try that ?
Otherwise, general hints are :

   "tail -f /var/log/messages" on one terminal while you
    execute telnet on another to see if any helpful messages
    arrive there.

   Sometimes doing an "strace <your command> 2>log.file" will
   show the problem.  The tricky part is in interpreting the
   file.  The best bet is to start at the end of the file,
   where you should see the error message being printed out.
   Of course, you need the strace package, and it's entirely
   possible that the answer won't be here.

   Dare I say it ... try connecting with a telnet prog on
   another operating system in case there is a setup prob on
   Linux causing the effect.

It possible that your ISP blocks all telnet traffic.  Why not
phone and ask them ?  If that's the cause, you need an ISP
upgrade ...


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