I hammered out this reply, and then I realized it
would be somewhat irrelevant because I use slink and
I've been told that Debian is switching from
/etc/rc.boot to rc.S, or something, because it's more
widely used.  So if the following doesn't apply to
potato, then please disregard it:

Try putting the scripts into /etc/rc.boot
Make sure they are prefaced with #!/bin/sh or
#!/bin/bash or #!/bin/perl, or whichever program you
want to run the script.  This is something that I
never needed to do before because my scripts were
always executed from within bash (and I was only using
bash scripts) and my perl scripts were executed with
the perl program in the command line.  But you
probably knew this part already =)

The way the /etc/rc.XX directories work is that
whatever is in the directory is executed when the
system enters runlevel XX.  I can't remember which
numbers mean what, but rc.boot isn't referred to
numerically so it's easy to remember what it does.

Everybody feel free to correct me if I've said
anything stupid in this post.  Heck, the letters might
not even be rc.  I've been away from civilization
(read:Debian--or BSD, or anthing similar) for so long
(read: three weeks) that I'm starting to lose it.

>*please CC all replies to me, as I am not subscribed
>to this list.

Yeah, if you want to correct me, CC it to him.

>I am using Debian GNU/Linux potato i386. I have
>written a ipchains
>firewall script that I would like to be executed
>automatically during
>Where would I put this (shell) script? I know that
>Debian has rules
>Where would I put this (shell) script? I know that
>Debian has rules
>about the "proper" way to do certain system config
>things - what is
>the "proper" way to do this?

Jolan Tru, 
Fish of Borg
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