I got that recently when I reinstalled potato, I cured it by using
AT&F as my init string in pppconfig.  Once I did that I never
got the error again.



At 11:38 AM 12/23/99 -0800, Clyde Wilson wrote:
I've just converted to potato. When I try to bring up ppp with pon
I get:

Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]: CONNECT
Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]:  -- got it
Dec 23 11:16:13 Spock chat[146]: send (\d)
Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Serial connection established.
Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 23 11:16:14 Spock pppd[145]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Connection terminated.
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Dec 23 11:16:45 Spock pppd[145]: Exit.

Any suggestions?

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