On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 23:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hey everyone,
> >I just upgraded from a GeForceDDR to a GeForce4 MX and of course my XWindows
> >system stopped working.  I checked out the log, and it seems that the nv
> >driver i'm using only wants to work on nvidia cards up to the GeForce3, at
> >least taht's what the string listing the supported cards says.  Do i really
> >need a new driver, and if so, how do i get it and load it?

Well, for starters, going from a GeForce DDR to a GeForce 4 MX isn't
really much of a step up. Especially considering that the GeForce 4 MX
isn't really a GeForce 4 at all. I'd suggest taking it back and saving
up for a Ti 4400 or 4600. (Or at the very least a 4200) But that's
besides the point. :)

apt-get install nvidia-kernel-src nvidia-glx-src
Read the docs in /usr/share/doc/nvidia-kernel-src and
/usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx-src. They'll tell you how to compile and
install the drivers. Part of the process is going to be editing your
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file to use the "nvidia" driver instead of "nv".
It's all quite well documented. Since we do have the wonderful Debian
package system to work with, don't bother going to nvidia.com and
downloading tarballs. The debs make life a LOT easier. Good luck. :)


p.s. There's a known issue with the latest nvidia drivers 41xx something
or other, being really slow with 2d stuff. Either downgrade or just deal
with it for the time being. :) (I've been dealing with it since it
doesn't really bother me much.)

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