Quick question about a slink firewall.  Its log files have lots of
entries like this (cut to avoid line wrap):

Dec 26 02:28:44 leader kernel: Packet log: out DENY lo PROTO=1 xx.xx.xx.xx:3
xx.xx.xx.xx:1 L=101 S=0xC0 I=57427 F=0x0000 T=#255 (8)

where, xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP of the Ethernet card going to the cable
modem.  The firewall (ipchains) is set to deny and log anything not 
specifically allowed or denied.  Are we breaking something by denying these 
ICMP packets?  Thanks for the advice.

        bob billson       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       ham: kc2wz
                                    (\                              /)
          Linux                    {|||8-  beekeeper ...3 years  -8|||}
   Join the snowball!!              (/   60,000 head of livestock   \)

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