On 12/26/99, Michael Perry addressed "palm pilot vs visor":
> I am kind of following along with this and am wondering if people are using
> jpilot to link their visors?  If they are palm compliant, will jpilot see
> these and provide true desktop-palmtop integration?  I am using now a Casio
> E100 which is quite nice (except for the OS) and it has some nice speed and
> program enhancements which I enjoy like playing MP3's and voice recording.

I haven't seen any definitive replies to this question, so I suppose
the answer must be something like "obviously, yes."  If that's *not*
the case, someone please say so for the sake of those with inquiring
minds, like me. :-) For that matter, I'd like to know whether the
Visor will work with any and all Debian palm-related packages.  Their
web site claims "they don't support Linux," whatever that means.  I
doubt Palm Pilots do either, officially.  And if anyone's used a Visor
with Debian over USB, that would be real interesting to hear about.



Jesse Jacobsen, Pastor          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grace Lutheran Church (ELS)     http://www.jvlnet.com/~jjacobsen/
Madison, Wisconsin              GnuPG public key ID: 2E3EBF13

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