On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:

ssahme >how this work ? Will this approach require the network sysadmins to
ssahme >change their (internal) DNS configuration ? Our network admins know of
ssahme >only one OS: Windoze, and generally don't know d*** about
ssahme >Unix/Linux/*BSD, so I am a little hesitant to try anything that requires
ssahme >their intervention.

yes they would have to point the machine(s) to that DNS, for optimal
performance they should be going to a machine on the internal network
anyways(and best security).

ssahme >but this would require:
ssahme >  a) updating the LM hosts file on a lot of windoze boxes
ssahme >  b) changing the file everytime my linux box's IP address changes
ssahme >     because of DHCP

you could give the linux box a static ip ..if its a permanent station i
believe any permanent station should have a static ip. you may be able to
setup samba on the linux boxes and then use WINS to locate them..didnt
think of that till just now.

ssahme >I am not familiar with DNS at all but is there a way to bind/associate a
ssahme >hostname+domainname to an ethernet address ? I guess I might have to try
ssahme >option (1).

try option #3 if you want too :)


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