you may want to look into linuxconf.  according to freshmeat it is GPL and
last i tried it(~2 years ago) it had a web tool.. it did not however come
with a config for debian BUT i saw somewhere that there was a .deb for it
somewhere just waiting to be tweaked for debian..

last time i tried it it worked ok(was using slackware 3.2 at the time) no
idea how it has progressed since..i run webmin but have used it maybe once
in the past 6 months..its just faster(for my 56k modem) to admin stuff via
ssh then web

if there is another tool like linuxconf for debian lemme know too, id be
interested in playing with it.


On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Robert Marlow wrote:

rmarlo >heya
rmarlo >
rmarlo >I've been considering looking into webmin for clients' use however I 
rmarlo >it's not GPL and consequently isn't available in the main distribution 
rmarlo >Debian. Is there an alternative GPL'd webmin-type program available to 
rmarlo >
rmarlo >from
rmarlo >
rmarlo >da Bobstopper
rmarlo >
rmarlo >
rmarlo >-- 
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rmarlo >

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