What kernel version are you using?  I was getting that error with the
early 2.2.x kernels, but 2.2.1[23] seemed to be OK.

On Thu, Dec 30, 1999 at 10:49:46AM -0500, Brian J. Stults wrote:
> Until a few days ago, I could mount local netware drives and print to
> netware printers without any problems.  Now, I can't access the
> server.  When I try slist I get this:
> slist: Server not found (0x8847) in ncp_open
> When I try ncpmount I get this (not surprisingly):
> ncpmount: Cannot assign requested address when trying to find
> I thought it might be a problem with the server, but if I boot my
> machine into Window98 I am able to connect.  Any ideas?  I don't know
> what to do.

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