Thanks.  I never thought of uninstalling the one that was installed.  I
was trying to update it.


Brian Schramm

On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Konrad Mierendorff wrote:

> Brian Schramm wrote:
> > I have downloaded the netscape communicator 4.7 and would like to know how
> > I can install it by writing over the files that are there for 4.0.  Ether
> > that or have a deb package that will install it (prefered method).  I need
> > to do this today so can anyone help me out please?
> As this seems to be urgent I'm cc-ing to your personal account.
> The package "netscape4" expects a file like
> "communicator-v47-export.x86-unknown-linuxglibc2.0.tar.gz" in /tmp an
> will install it when you install the package. If you installed your
> communicator manually before you should delete all the old files
> manually otherwise you should just remove the "netscape4" package and
> install it again with the right communicator archive in /tmp.
> The user specific data should not be affected.
> Hope it helps ...
> - Konrad Mierendorff

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